Folks --
The latest employment report is in, and it shows that we added 1.3 million private-sector jobs over the course of 12 months of consecutive growth in 2010 -- more jobs than were created during all of President Bush's eight years in office.
We added 113,000 private-sector jobs in December, and our unemployment rate fell by 0.4 percentage points to 9.4 percent. Also, October and November job numbers were revised from original predictions to reflect additional job growth.
While these numbers show that employment continues to grow steadily and that we're headed in the right direction, millions of Americans are still out of work -- and we still have a long way to go toward full recovery.
I've pasted the latest discussion points below -- take a look, and pass them on.
Lynda Tran
National Press Secretary
Organizing for America
Discussion Points: December job numbers
-- The American economy has now grown and added private sector jobs for 12 consecutive months. In 2010, private sector employers added 1.3 million jobs -- the greatest year of job creation we've seen since 2006. On top of that, the unemployment rate has now fallen to 9.4 percent.
-- In December, private sector employers added 113,000 jobs. And the estimated number of jobs added in October and November was revised higher.
-- The job creation we're seeing demonstrates that we're heading in the right direction. But the speed of recovery isn't fast enough. President Obama won't be satisfied until every American who wants a job is able to find one, and he is open to any idea -- from Republicans or Democrats -- that will help send Americans back to work.
-- The economic recession left a great deal of destruction behind. More than 8 million jobs were lost. So the task now must be the acceleration of economic growth and hiring. That acceleration depends on making the American economy more competitive, such that we support the growth of new jobs in new industries and train workers to fill those jobs. We've got to keep up the fight for every job, every business, and every chance to support economic growth.
-- There are still millions of Americans who want jobs but aren't able to find them. As President Obama has said over and over again, "The only piece of economic news that people looking for work want to hear is 'you're hired.'" So that's what President Obama and his economic team are focused on every day.
-- There's a great deal of room for common ground: making middle-class tax cuts permanent; new incentives that help businesses expand and hire or enable entrepreneurs to start new enterprises; investments in infrastructure; and support for innovative and growing economic sectors like clean energy. There is also an important job creation role for doubling America's exports over the next five years.
-- The most important competition America faces isn't between Democrats and Republicans. It's the competition between our country and nations around the world for leadership in the global economy. America's success or failure in that contest depends on our ability to overcome political gridlock. Other nations are going forward, and we can't afford to stand still. America's future depends on our putting politics aside and solving problems together -- worrying about the next generation instead of just thinking about the next election.
-- It's also important to note that, despite congressional Republicans' continued insistence that the Affordable Care Act hurts our economy and is killing jobs, America has gained more than 1 million private sector jobs since President Obama signed that legislation into law.
Back in it to WIN it!!!
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