Friday, October 26, 2012

The GOP Rape Advisory Chart | Eclectablog

You must read the quotes in the article - The GOP Rape Advisory Chart | Eclectablog.  America cannot afford to elect people who hold these very extreme positions on very person matters.  And think, Republicans say they're the one's who want the government out of people's lives - NOT!

Let's do it again - re-elect President Obama.

Vote early; or vote by mail; or vote on election day - but VOTE!

If Democrats vote and vote Party - Democrats can win it all!!!!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Even Salt Lake City Media Editors say OBAMA is the Man for the Job!

The Salt Lake City Tribune endorsed Obama for a second term.  If anyone knows Mitt, it's this city and state, and they say Obama deserves a second term and Mitt doesn't deserve a first.

Let's do it again - re-elect President Obama!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Why blacks voters reject Romney | Black Politics on the Web

African-Americans don't vote strictly based on the color-line....if so why didn't Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton Allen Keys and Shirley Chisholm win the Black vote when they ran for President.  Blacks have a standing history of voting their interest!  Others - especially registered Democrats - should do the same!

Why blacks voters reject Romney | Black Politics on the Web

Let's do it again - re-elect President Obama and Vice President Biden!

Monday, October 1, 2012

As The Race Stands, Obama Within Reach of Second Term

Celebrate the fact that the President is doing pretty well in the polls as it relates to his re-election.  As race stands, Obama within reach of second term | Black Politics on the Web.   BUT, don't let this modest lead keep you from going to the polls during early voting or on election day! We need everyone to vote or run the risk of a defeat.

Let's do it again - re-elect President Obama!

Restrictive Voting Laws Inspire Minority Backlash

African-Americans are again 'fiered up - ready to win!  Check out this article: Restrictive voting laws inspire minority backlash - Together with women, especially suburban and working women, the Young Americans, Latinos and concerned seniors we can re-elect President Obama.

Early voting has begun in some states and will open on October 27 in FL.  WE must each work hard to get out the vote to send President Obama back to the White House.

Let's do it again - re-elect President Obama!