Friday, December 24, 2010

$10 Billion and Counting!

Merry Christmas to Florida!

According to recipeints' reports of stimulus money in the Sate of Florida, over 11 billion dollars have been awarded to Florida.  Of that amount, 4 billion dollars have been received.  The totals are even higher if you read the federal agency reports

10 billion of the total has been in the form of grants - not loans!  That's a lot of federal money for a state that didn't want to receive any of the funds in the first place. And think about; where would our Republican legislators and Governor found 11 billion dollars to spend on behalf of Florida citizens without raising taxes?  And just think, our Senator-elect Rubio and Governor-elect Scott each believe Washington is broken.  They better hope it remains 'broken" unless they want to replace 10 billion federal grant dollars with Florida tax dollars!

People need to know the facts about how much the Obama Administration has done for Florida and this country via his economic policies.  Yes it's a lot of debt - but more importantly, it's an investment in people and jobs and the future of Florida and the United States at a critical time for both.

We need more responsible political leaders to take the correct bold steps for our collective well being...even if we can't (or won't) see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Back in it to WIN it!

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