Thursday, August 28, 2014

Politics Counts: How Black Turnout Could Impact November

Although US Congressional Districts are seemingly safe for many Republicans; US Senate races may hold opportunities for Democratic victories if African American turnout ticks up in November.  Check out the link below and here for details.

At bottom, Blacks and others voters of color must commit to high voter turnouts EVERY Election. 

In my home town of Jacksonville FL., African American votes comprise over half the registered Democrats. An 80% turnout gives any Democratic candidate a potential to secure 103,200 votes. Even 50% would mean a starting point of 52,000 votes. Because we're the largest city in the state, such a turnout would bode well for select statewide and national races as well.

Vote Smart - VOTE BLUE!

Politics Counts: How Black Turnout Could Impact November - Washington Wire - WSJ

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