Monday, May 24, 2010

Deomcrats Should Vote A Democratic Ticket to Win Florida US Senate Seat

In a May 24 article in Salon, it was suggested that President Obama should consider pushing Kendrick Meek out of the Florida US Senate race in order to support Governor Charlie Crist, who is believed to be able to beat Republican hopeful, Marco Rubio

(Read full Salon article here:

Current polls show Crist with 30 percent, Rubio at 27 and Meek trailing at 15 percent.  However, because Florida Democrats enjoy a 700,000-800,000 registered voter advantage, if Democrats vote Party, they can win.  Also, Kendrick Meek is an appealing candidate to moderate Republicans and many Independents.  His successful petition drive to get on the Florida ballot (he needed over 100,000 signatures) is testament to his growing name recognition, potential state-wide support and personal drive and determination.  In Duval County alone, a long standing Republican stronghold, he collected over 10,000 signatures - twice the number anticipated. Additionally, Meek has been viewed positively by Independents for his advocacy for small class sizes and his opposition to off-shore drilling.

Crist's slight lead is due in part to Democrats who were favorably impressed with Crist's veto against Florida Senate Bill 6 (an education reform Bill of sorts).  This spike in support of Crist may  explain why Meek did not receive full endorsement from the teacher's union.   But Democrats must not mistake a veto as full compliance or alignment with Democratic principles, values, policies and practices. 

If Florida Democrats want to send two Democratic Senators to Washington DC, we must vote for the real deal, true Democrat in August and again in November!

Fired Up - Ready to WIN!

To read a May 24, 2010 e-mail announcement from Abe Dyk, Meek Campaign manager, regarding recent union endorsements,

Hi to all,

A big development today- the Florida AFL-CIO gave its full endorsement in the general election to Kendrick.

It came after Kendrick gave what was called a "rousing" speech to the Florida AFL-CIO convention on Saturday. He told the crowd, "I have stood with labor, labor has stood with me. You've had my back, I've had your back."

"I am the only candidate in this race who supported the health care proposal that leveled the playing field for your members," he reminded the crowd. "I've been against offshore oil drilling from the beginning. It didn't take oil in the Gulf for me to say I'm against offshore oil drilling. It did not take oil in the Gulf for me to now get religion and say we should be against it."

After the announcement of the AFL-CIO endorsement, Kendrick responded in a statement: "My fight is your fight, and today I stand humbled and proud to have earned your support. I am looking forward to working to bring good jobs with benefits for middle class families to Florida. I am proud to have hardworking Floridians and their families stand with me as Florida's next U.S. Senator."
And yesterday, Kendrick received the endorsement of the Florida Education Association who applauded Kendrick's lifelong fight for education and his leadership shepherding the class size amendment.



Abe Dyk

Campaign Manager

Kendrick Meek for Florida

(305) 655-3213

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