Friday, May 7, 2010

A Republican Turned Independent is NOT A DEMOCRAT


As we assess the pool of top candidates for the US Senate seat in Florida, we must never forget that a Republican Governor who makes a few decisions that align with some democratic preferences does not a Democrat make!  The value of voting for the best candidate is powerful and certainly sustains the candidate for the duration of his/her campaign and/or term of service.  However, if sustaining and preserving Party values, principles and practices is important to you, then the value of voting for the best Party candidate is essential.

Fired UP - Ready to WIN!

Poll gives Charlie Crist 6-point lead over Rubio

By Jim Stratton, Orlando Sentinel

May 7 2010, 12:08 AM EDT

Gov. Charlie Crist has spent the past few months battling Republican Marco Rubio, but if Crist wants a seat in the U.S. Senate, he might want to focus on Democrat Kendrick Meek.

The complete article can be viewed at:,0,1491281.story

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